Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Looking back throughout American history and research being done Chinese Americans throughout time has been discriminated greatly by our country and own government. Most Chinese immigrants started to arrive in our country in the late 19th century. Not many of them early on were able to get a good or steady job. The early immigrants mainly worked as laborers and in the mining industry. Even working in the lower class jobs they were discriminated by the white people they were working with. Making it hard enough to keep the low paying job they had already. In response to this the 1868 Burlingame Treaty was created for equality between the Chinese and white laborers (Rivero, Chen, Huynh, Peterson, Lasky, 2010). Even with the passing of this treaty it did not change much for Chinese immigrants. They still dealt with discrimination while at work causing a lot of them to lose or quit their jobs (Rivero, Chen, Huynh, Peterson, Lasky, 2010). What made it even harder at the time newspapers an d churches were rallying people together declaring this as a white’s only land; Because of these rallies and newspapers it made the previous treaty that was passed seem non existent (Rivero, Chen, Huynh, Peterson, Lasky, 2010). A little part of a bright point in American history for Chinese immigrants was during the time of the Civil War. There were not many that served in the war, but for some of the known few that did and survived through got some good out of it. There were Chinese that served for both the Union and Confederacy (Cohen, 1984). A lot of blacks were not accepted to serve in a white regiment and had to serve in their own little private one. Chinese Americans though did not deal with some of that discrimination; a lot of the white soldi... ...% of the United States population (Chen, 2002). Another thing to is, that even though the population in Chinese Americans is increasing a lot of the Chinese culture is being decreased. They are becoming more â€Å"Americanized† one would say (Chen, 2002). It is mainly going on in the youth of the Chinese Americans. They are adapting to our countries culture more today than ever (Chen, 2002). Our country as a whole has improved a lot in accepting the Chinese Americans in to our culture today. When looking through our countries history it is easy to see how much the Chinese were not welcomed in America and the Government did as much as possible to keep the population as small as possible in our country. Over time though our government began to realize about how this was not right and revoked a lot of treaties and passing new ones that were in favor of Chinese Americans.

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